DevExpress.Document.Processor (24.1.5)
Published 2024-09-17 13:48:24 +10:00 by achi
dotnet nuget add source --name lers --username your_username --password your_token
dotnet add package --source lers --version 24.1.5 DevExpress.Document.Processor
About this package
The DevExpress Office File API is a powerful .NET library that allows you to fully automate common document processing tasks and use-case scenarios. It includes the Spreadsheet Document API, Word (RTF) Document API, PDF Document API, and other Office-inspired components. Use the Office File API library to create, load, modify, save, and print rich text documents, spreadsheets, and PDF files, convert measurement units, generate barcodes, and compress data.
ID | Version | Target Framework |
DevExpress.Charts | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.Data | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.DataAccess | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.DataVisualization.Core | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.Drawing | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.Office.Core | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.Pdf.Core | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.Pdf.Drawing | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.Printing.Core | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.RichEdit.Core | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.Snap.Core | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.TreeMap | [24.1.5] | .NETFramework4.5.2 |
DevExpress.Charts | [24.1.5] | net6.0 |
DevExpress.Data | [24.1.5] | net6.0 |
DevExpress.DataVisualization.Core | [24.1.5] | net6.0 |
DevExpress.Drawing | [24.1.5] | net6.0 |
DevExpress.Office.Core | [24.1.5] | net6.0 |
DevExpress.Pdf.Core | [24.1.5] | net6.0 |
DevExpress.Pdf.Drawing | [24.1.5] | net6.0 |
DevExpress.Printing.Core | [24.1.5] | net6.0 |
DevExpress.RichEdit.Core | [24.1.5] | net6.0 |
DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core | [24.1.5] | net6.0 |
DevExpress.TreeMap | [24.1.5] | net6.0 |
System.Drawing.Common | 4.7.2 | net6.0 |
System.Security.Cryptography.Xml | 6.0.1 | net6.0 |
Assets (2)
Versions (3)
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