Azure.Core (1.25.0)
Published 2023-05-05 11:22:26 +10:00 by achi
dotnet nuget add source --name lers --username your_username --password your_token
dotnet add package --source lers --version 1.25.0 Azure.Core
About this package
This is the implementation of the Azure Client Pipeline
ID | Version | Target Framework |
Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces | 1.1.1 | .NETCoreApp2.1 |
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource | 4.6.0 | .NETCoreApp2.1 |
System.Memory.Data | 1.0.2 | .NETCoreApp2.1 |
System.Numerics.Vectors | 4.5.0 | .NETCoreApp2.1 |
System.Text.Encodings.Web | 4.7.2 | .NETCoreApp2.1 |
System.Text.Json | 4.7.2 | .NETCoreApp2.1 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions | 4.5.4 | .NETCoreApp2.1 |
Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces | 1.1.1 | .NETFramework4.6.1 |
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource | 4.6.0 | .NETFramework4.6.1 |
System.Memory.Data | 1.0.2 | .NETFramework4.6.1 |
System.Net.Http | 4.3.4 | .NETFramework4.6.1 |
System.Numerics.Vectors | 4.5.0 | .NETFramework4.6.1 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation | 4.3.0 | .NETFramework4.6.1 |
System.Text.Encodings.Web | 4.7.2 | .NETFramework4.6.1 |
System.Text.Json | 4.7.2 | .NETFramework4.6.1 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions | 4.5.4 | .NETFramework4.6.1 |
Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces | 1.1.1 | .NETStandard2.0 |
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource | 4.6.0 | .NETStandard2.0 |
System.Memory.Data | 1.0.2 | .NETStandard2.0 |
System.Numerics.Vectors | 4.5.0 | .NETStandard2.0 |
System.Text.Encodings.Web | 4.7.2 | .NETStandard2.0 |
System.Text.Json | 4.7.2 | .NETStandard2.0 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions | 4.5.4 | .NETStandard2.0 |
Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces | 1.1.1 | net5.0 |
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource | 4.6.0 | net5.0 |
System.Memory.Data | 1.0.2 | net5.0 |
System.Numerics.Vectors | 4.5.0 | net5.0 |
System.Text.Encodings.Web | 4.7.2 | net5.0 |
System.Text.Json | 4.7.2 | net5.0 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions | 4.5.4 | net5.0 |